Wednesday 16 October 2024

A strategic review at Zytronic and the Interim Results Presentation at Crimson Tide's Investor Hub

 In short it appears from today's RNS release that Zytronic's current business is in terminal decline. Revenues did pick up in the second half of the year but still fell short of last year's by £1.4m. Not the news shareholders were hoping for. On a brighter note the company announced a strategic review. 

So quick thoughts. Transformation plan? NO NO NO thank you. Let's be real. If management couldn't see this steep decline in current business coming then how could you trust them to essentially take a flier in another unproven direction. Besides it'd take considerable financing, so they could end up pissing their considerable assets in cash, property and equipment up the wall and still fail. 

They also mention the option of de-listing. ABSO(fucking)LUTELY NOT!! The business is failing so saving a few quid on listing costs will make fuck all difference.

Assets are considerable in relation to the current share price. Either a solvent liquidation, a sale of the business or liquidating assets and continuing as a cash shell are the sensible options. 

After today's 11% share price decline the market cap. is about the £4.8m against Net Assets of £12.9m of which £8.4m comprises cash, property, plant and equipment. 

Note to Zytronic management. You've failed, now give shareholders our money back!! Incidentally none of the management team are major shareholders which tells it's own story 😒. 

In other news, I've just watched the Crimson Tide interim results investor presentation on their investor hub. In contrast to Zytronic it's a growing company with a new management team. My take-aways are that they seem more focused, they're aiming for the larger clients with continuous upselling opportunities and the pipeline of potential business is impressive (including in the US). It was interesting that they said even the recent interest from Ideagen at 3.1p per share is a large undervaluation of Crimson Tide and it's prospects. As ever time will tell if they can deliver on their optimism.

Thursday 10 October 2024

Contract extension with "Sainbury's"

 That's a welcome Friday RNS from Trakm8 with a 2 year contract extension with "Sainbury's". 😀 

"This contract extension, for two years to 31 December 2026, is for the Sainsbury's Goods Online ("GOL") delivery solution. This is built on the Trakm8 Insight AI Optimisation platform algorithms supplied via API."

Trakm8 have been in the doldrums for sometime now but boast a host of prestigious clients. Are they turning things around this year? The last trading update states that revenues and profits will be better than recent years. Let's hope so! Market cap. is tiny so improved results should materially affect the share price very positively at the current depressed levels and cheer up depressed share holders 😭😂.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

A micro-cap share price shit show 2023-2024

Ok this past year has been a total shit show for the share prices of my micro-cap hopefuls. Probably serves me right for predicting 10 baggers in 5 years 😭😂.

You can look the share prices up yourselves and have a good laugh or alternatively have another look at the companies I've mentioned and consider their future prospects.

Btw I'm changing the nature of this blog to make it shorter and more snappy with more frequent posts.

Here's a fact to conjure with. Ashtead's share price once dropped to circa 1.5p some years ago. Share price today is £57.24. It's stuck with me that one since I bought shares at around 30p, saw them drop to 1.5p, bought more when they recovered to 15p and then sold for a tiny profit or around break-even 😭😂. FFS. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. 

Talking of spectacular recoveries, is SRT going to be a multi-multi bagger? The long awaited systems contracts are beginning to roll in. Yesterday's contract announcement alone has a value of $212m. Can they now execute? If they can then the latent potential of this small British company is truly huge. Again note the share price volatility. It was only a week or two ago that it fell to the low teens and now stands at 45.5p. 

Had a initial sinking feeling this evening when I saw Ixico(IXI) had issued an after hours RNS. Couldn't believe my eyes though when it was a £4m raise at a premium to the current share price. Absolutely unheard of in these current markets, particularly for a tiddler. The rhetoric sounds impressive. £15m order book, trading ahead of expectations, targeting £10m revenues short term and £20m medium term. Big profits if they hit those figures since they only need circa £8m to break-even. Compare and contrast to the twats at Biome(BIOM) and their hugely dilutive raise for just £1m.

Under the radar is one I've not mentioned for sometime which is SpaceandPeople (SAL). Growing nicely. Gut feeling is that 2024 will see a beat of expectations. Investor Meet The Company presentation was illuminating.

That's it for now.