Thursday, 10 January 2019

Some very mice news from Angle!

Well investors in Angle should be smiling this evening following the release of this RNS and a near 80% jump in the share price:-

Fabulous stuff. Not least because Angle's Parsortix diagnostic kit has the potential to help in saving thousands of lives. Whether you're a shareholder or not you should be extremely pleased that companies like Angle are assisting in the search for effective ways of personalising cancer treatment.

I'd be a very happy shareholder, except I'd already sold my shareholding. It's a familiar story, and one that sometimes comes back to haunt me from time to time. I bought my shares in December 2012 at around 27p:-

I recognised they were speculative, but could see potential. The share price raced ahead in the early days around the levels seen towards the end of today, but quickly retreated again. After what I deemed slow(ish) progress and several fund raisings, I eventually took profits selling my shares for around 50p.

As a long term buy and hold investor, I must remind myself just to tough it out most of the time. Many companies take many years to make the required progress, but when they do the rewards can be spectacular. I hope Angle eventually rewards it's patient and loyal following.

I note that today's RNS says it's "ground breaking" work, but fairly early stage since the tests were on mice. However, it's another potentially significant use of the parsortix system. I wish the company and long term investors good luck.

I must remind myself that I must not get frustrated and remain patient. Whilst some investments will fail to perform, my personal experience is that if you have a reasonable flair for spotting long term potential, the winners eventually render the laggards insignificant.

As such, Angle's news today has provided a timely reminder to just hang on in there with my current holdings and patiently wait until latent potential has been fully realised or the company becomes a total non-starter. For those that missed it, here are a few ideas of micro-caps with the possibility of a big future yet to be fulfilled:-

Wishing you all a belated, but healthy and happy new year.