To summarise, this is a further example of the Parsortix system's far superior performance to the existing competition in providing a liquid biopsy for personalised
Andrew Newland says, "This is the first peer-reviewed publication in a scientific journal in relation to the clinical use of ANGLE's Parsortix system. It adds to the growing body of published evidence of the system's performance as a liquid biopsy in a range of cancers including ovarian, prostate and breast cancers."
As the results of each independent study are released, I am getting more and more confident about my investment here. What particularly strikes me is the excitement from the medical community who specialise in the treatment of a number of cancers.
These comments from a news release in April this year clearly demonstrate the medical community's enthusiasm:-
"Dr Eva Obermayr, Principal Investigator at the Medical University of Vienna, commented:
"The Parsortix technology
Professor Robert Zeillinger, Head of the Molecular Oncology Group at the Medical University of Vienna, commented:
"It is now evident that the Parsortix system has wide application not just in ovarian cancer but in breast cancer and other gynaecological cancers as well. We are delighted to be working with ANGLE to bring this new capability to our patients as soon as possible."
A more extensive study into Parsortix's system is about to get underway with Ovarian cancer patients, and should the results be repeated then it opens up the clinical market in ovarian cancer with sales
Angle is currently valued at around £45m. Of course, it is almost impossible to value the company at this stage, but with luck and continued good progress then the company is potentially worth many multiples of this value if it can achieve both research and clinical sales in the future.
Funding is in place for the medium term.
My feeling is that given the increasingly positive results coming through from key opinion leaders, Angle will be snapped up by a predator in the not too distant future at a significant premium to it's current market cap.
I continue to hold the shares with increasing confidence.
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