Friday 9 September 2016

Should I be FUMing at missing out? Why is everything rising so quickly?

Why did Intelligent Energy's (IEH) share price rise by more than 100% at one point today?

As far as I can see they haven't released any news. Surely they need to make a statement to the markets?

Either investors are acting on insider information or markets are being swamped by reckless day traders?

Neither scenario is particularly palatable, but I suspect it's just part of a worrying trend in recent days - the rise of the day trader.

I say worrying because in my experience it's often a forerunner to a market top. All I need now is for my local Butcher to give me some share tips and I'll know for sure.

Two further recent examples where share prices went bananas in a single day include Mobile Streams(MOS) and Futura Medical (FUM). Admittedly you can point to news stories which provided a catalyst to the share price rises, but  MOS rose more than 200% and FUM more than 100% in a single day.

I'll briefly comment on FUM which I know a little about, and indeed I had the company on my monitor. Perhaps I'm just a little envious that I never got around to buying shares in the company even as I watched them drop below 20p. I think I must have written FUM off as a serial disappointer and cash guzzler?

After the last few days and following on from the news release regarding their gel which apparently gets you off the blocks quicker than Usain Bolt (DYOR), I had a quick look back at their previous results.

I think I can quite easily justify to myself why I never bought the shares.

Take a look for yourselves, but by my reckoning they're already pretty much out of cash? Last year they burnt through around £5m and had about £4m remaining. Bearing in mind we're into the 9th month of their financial year, they must be down to their last £1m-£2m?

Luckily for them, and just a few days before their half-year results are released, MED2002 put some lead into their pencil which in turn should help with another raising. A dilutive fundraising will inevitably be announced in the next few weeks (if not next week).

Both MOS and FUM may prove to be multi-baggers, who knows? However, I'm happy to miss out on these two, and I'll watch their progress from the sidelines.

Good luck if you are a holder of the three companies mentioned though.

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