Saturday 26 March 2011

A leisurely weekend read

Every weekend I treat myself to a copy of the Financial Times and make time for a leisurely read. One of the attractions is that the 'Money' section always prints a list of the week's Director transactions (see an earlier blog). Whilst I know the information can be found from any number of sources these days, I also enjoy reading the 'MyPortfolio' and 'Trader's Diary' sections. One of the reasons I am writing this blog is that I do find it interesting reading other people's investing stories. From today's paper, I see that Nick Louth is a holder of Kenmare shares which I have held in the past and commented on previously. Basically, he sees them as a takeover target. I would tend to agree, although I no longer hold.

A recent addition to the weekend FT is the inclusion of a column in the main section of the paper called 'small-cap week', tapping in to Private Investors enthusiasm for smaller companies. Details of the top ten risers and fallers (small caps) over a week and a year are given (or sometimes a month etc.). Parkmead topping the yearly list with a rise of 2400% through to Triple Plate at 632.4%. Don't you just love small and micro-caps (see very first blog). Whilst I recognise many of the company names in the top ten, only two briefly caught my attention, although sadly I bought neither. Those two were BLINX up 643.6% and @UK up 1150%. Can't remember much about @UK, but I remember thinking that whilst BLINX looked exciting, it already had a hefty market cap. (at about 15p). Since the shares are now over £1, clearly others thought and think differently, and very well done to them.

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