Saturday 25 May 2013

FT Weekend - bring back My Portfolio

As I've mentioned in the past, on most weekends I like to pick up a copy of the FT. One of the highlights used to be the My Portfolio section. In particular I liked to read John Lee's column where he talked about the shares he currently held, had bought or sold.

However, not only has John Lee finished, but the whole My Portfolio page now appears to have been axed. What a pity. Whilst I don't ever recall buying any shares mentioned in their columns, it is interesting to read the thoughts of other private investors and hear their investing strategies.

We appear to be left with David Schwartz, a trader. Whilst it's interesting to hear him writing about some of the shares he is trading, over the past few weeks he has simply written a series of uninteresting articles pontificating on the next direction the markets will take. In summary, he's concluded that the markets will go up if they don't go down or if neither of these eventualties take place then the markets will go sideways. Brilliant! Well done, but perhaps instead of all that research into historical data about previous bull and bear markets, their durations etc, he might be better off admitting, just like everybody else, that guessing the future direction of stock markets is not worth the effort, because it nearly always takes you by surprise.

I do hope that in the future the My Portfolio section is re-introduced and that Schwartz gets back to talking about individual companies.

For balance, I might add that a good addition is the introduction of the small cap. section in the main paper.

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